Strong Results for 2018
Imberhorne have some really strong GCSE results to celebrate this year. Students and staff faced significant changes to GCSE courses for 2018 with more rigorous content, a new grading system and more exams (many subjects either lost or reduced the coursework element). Quite a challenge for everyone involved, but we are pleased to say that our students rose to the challenge!
We are delighted to report that in English Language/Literature a fabulous 78% of students attained grade 9-4 (A*-C) with 26% of those grades at grade 9-7 (A*/A). Whilst an impressive 75% of all students attained grades 9-4 in Maths with 22% of those grades at 9-7.
A staggering 56 grade 9’s were awarded to our students across the new GCSE courses. With 15 of those grade 9’s in Maths and English and 19 students achieving the very top grade in Science. Grade 9 is ranked higher than the previous top grade A*. Last year it was suggested that only the top 2% of students nationally would gain a grade 9. We are enormously pleased that students have achieved such a high number of these grades at Imberhorne.
Some outstanding individual success has been achieved with two of our students having gained grade 9’s across all their subjects. Reports in the media suggest that as few as 200 students nationally might achieve grade 9 in all of their subjects. This is an outstanding achievement for those individuals and we are rightly very proud of them.
Overall we had a 99% pass rate with over 73% of all grades at 4 or above and 22% of grades at 7 and above. 27 students attained 7 or more grades 9-7
Martin Brown, Headteacher commented “we are proud of all of our students and recognise how hard they worked to achieve these impressive results. We will see many of them return to our Sixth Form and wish those going elsewhere the very best of luck for the future. They have been wonderful ambassadors for the school”