Work Experience
We are pleased to offer an annual programme of work experience for selected Year 10 and Year 12 students.
We appreciate the great deal of support that we have from our local employers to allow this to take place. If you work for an organisation that would like to support our work experience programme, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Mrs Lisa Parker, Careers Administrator by email lparker [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
Year 10 Work Experience
Work Experience for selected Year 10 students will take place annually in July. Mrs Parker will be in contact with those students and parents/carers, early in the school year. Please contact Mrs Lisa Parker, Careers Administrator lparker [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk with any queries.
Year 12 Work Experience
Work experience is an important part of the Sixth Form experience and we are delighted to offer the opportunity for our Year 12 students to undertake a week long programme of compulsory work experience towards the end of the Summer term. Students will self-place within the industry or profession they might be thinking of working in after Sixth Form or after University/Further Education. Our work experience letter and application form will be abailable here when finalised (usually before feb half term holiday) and must be completed by the Easter holidays.