Recognition and Reward
Our aim is to motivate students by rewarding good behaviour, effort and achievement. It focuses on rewards which are earned and equally accessible to all learners. The use of praise and recognition is crucial to establishing positive relationships. All our praise systems generate different numbers of achievement points.
Examples of praise and rewards would include:
- Merits (KS3&4) / Effort Points (KS5) – staff may award an average of 3 merits per lesson. A student may achieve a merit for demonstrating one of our six character attributes – Empathy, Resilience, Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking and Creativity. Recognising and rewarding the demonstration of character promotes the idea or personal development = 1 achievement point
- Praise email – staff may award a praise e-mail when a student has demonstrated praiseworthy activities across a series of lessons = 3 achievement points
- Imberstar nomination – staff may nominate up to 5 students per half term per class to be an ‘Imberstar’. Ten Imberstars from each year group Year 7 to 11 are then selected every half term and will receive a special celebration day where they may skip the canteen queue at break and lunch and they will be presented with their own Imberstar lanyard, canteen vouchers and Imberhorne pen (a student may receive the Imberstar Award only once per Key Stage). An Imberstar nomination is in recognition of praiseworthy activities sustained across a number of weeks = 5 achievement points
In addition to our formal school rewards, departments also praise students in different ways e.g. ‘Musician of the Month’, ‘Drama Star’ and ‘Linguist of the Month’.
Each year group has a celebration event to recognise and reward outstanding attitudes to learning and school:
- Year 7 Achievement Point Assembly
- Year 8 Achievement Point Assembly
- Year 9 Key Stage 3 Celebration Evening
- Year 10 Subject Celebration Assembly
- Year 11 Graduation Ceremony
- Year 13 Certificate Evening
Key Stage 4 Record of Achievement
In Year 11 all students complete a Record of Achievement (ROA). This is a record that students can take with them for Post-16 interviews and forms part of the Year 11 graduation process as it provides evidence for student achievement both in school and out of school. It is their personal record and students are encouraged to present it in the best possible way.
The pages below are designed for students to work on both at school, in Personal Development lessons and at home. Click on each individual page and save to 'My Documents' folder and type in your personal information. The ROA may also contain photographs, certificates etc.