Our special link with the Heinrich-Boell Schule from Dortmund has been running for a staggering 23 years! Reinhard Mueller used to be a language assistant at Imberhorne school and has kept in touch ever since working here to keep this link strong. This year, Mr Mueller was accompanied by 3 teachers, including their Headteacher Mechthild Gith. Forty five Year 8 students and four Sixth Formers arrived on 14th September and stayed until the 20th. The trip to Imberhorne is so popular that the German students have to apply for a place, work well in lessons and achieve good grades in their English lessons in order to come!
Our German visitors stayed at a Youth Hostel called Gaveston Hall near Horsham and as well as sightseeing, they spent the day with us in school on Monday 17th enjoying activities with our students. These were designed to get all the students talking and to put their German/English skills into practice. They also visited East Court and the mayor of East Grinstead whilst they were here. A farewell disco was held at Upper School on Wednesday19th with pizza and our amazing DJ Oliver Fox from Year 12.
We received a wonderful thank you email from the German school staff, a thoroughly positive experience for all involved. "Unsere Schueler waren begeistert und haben mehrfach bei einer Feedback-Runde gesagt, dass sie den Tag an der Schule und die Party am besten fanden. Da geht es ihnen genauso wie uns! Vielen Dank fuer deinen Einsatz und die schöne Zeit bei euch."